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Showing posts from August, 2021

Enhance Your Salesforce Experience: Changing Sandbox Background Colors with Salesforce Simplified

In the world of Salesforce development, managing multiple sandboxes is a common practice. Keeping track of different sandbox environments, distinguishing between production and sandbox orgs, or identifying various sandboxes for different purposes can sometimes be a cumbersome task. To streamline this process, Salesforce Simplified Chrome extension introduces an innovative feature: the ability to change the background color of your Salesforce sandbox. Why Change the Background Color? Identifying sandbox environments at a glance can significantly improve productivity for developers. With Salesforce Simplified, changing the background color serves as a visual cue, making it easier to differentiate between different sandboxes and the production environment. This simple yet effective feature minimizes the chances of making changes or updates in the wrong Salesforce instance. How to Change Background Org Color Using Salesforce Simplified Installation: If you haven't already, install the...